How to Deal with any Situation Life Throws at You.
Ever caught yourself thinking, "Life isn't fair"? But then, you hustle through what life throws at you, and in the end, even though it wasn't pretty, it made you grow and become a better person?
Written by Julia Jayne | September 2023
Artist Credit: Tori Press
We've all been there, those moments when it seems like the universe is playing a cosmic game of "Let's mess with your plans." You know the ones I'm talking about. Your dreams of landing that dream job? Poof! Gone. That relationship you thought would last forever? Well, it hit the rocks. And let's not forget about losing property, fertility, and other health challenges, or the ever-mounting stress and overwhelm that seem to weigh us down. It's a laundry list of life's curveballs, and they're relentless, always lurking around the corner, ready to pounce when we least expect it.
But here's the deal, life doesn't exactly play favorites. It might feel like it sometimes, especially when you see those people who appear to be cruising through life on a magic carpet, unfazed by the injustices and tragedies that seem to target the rest of us.
The truth is that these so-called injustices happen to each and every one of us.
The magic isn't in the cards we're dealt but in how we choose to play our hand, how we approach the story that life unfolds before us. In the grand scheme of existence, the choice is undeniably ours to make.
How to tackle anything life throws at us:
FEELING: What Am I Feeling Right Now?
First things first, check in with your emotions. Sometimes, life's curveballs hit us like a ton of bricks. But instead of brushing those feelings under the rug, embrace them. Give yourself permission to feel all the feels. It's like an emotional cleanse.
You see, when you acknowledge your emotions, you can start to understand them better. You're not bottling them up; you're processing them. And that is the first step to regaining your balance.
BELIEF: What Do I Perceive As Truth?
Next up, your beliefs. You know that saying, "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right"? Well, it's not just a catchy phrase—it's the truth! What you believe becomes your reality.
Personally, I subscribe to the belief that what is meant for you will never pass you by. And when things work out, it's the universe's direction, and when things don't work out, it's the universe's protection.
So, take a good, hard look at your beliefs. Are they fueling your resilience, or are they throwing a wet blanket on your fire? When you change your beliefs, you can change your life. Believe in your ability to overcome, to learn, to grow. It's like planting seeds of hope and watching them bloom.
MINDSET: How Do I Respond To This Situation?
Your mindset is like a lens through which you view the world. Are you sporting a pair of glasses that magnify life's hardships, or are you looking through shades that highlight the opportunities hidden within the chaos?
Here's the thing: life's a grand puzzle, and some pieces won't fit seamlessly. But that's where your mindset comes into play. Choose to see life's challenges as opportunities in disguise. It's like turning a rainy day into a dance party.
Last but not least, the alchemy of choice. You've got a magical wand in your hand, and it's called choice. Every decision you make is a brushstroke on the canvas of your life. What colors are you using?
Do you dwell on what's lost, or do you focus on what's gained? Do you let despair paralyze you, or do you transform it into the fuel for your journey forward? Your choices define your path, so choose to stride with grace and courage, no matter how bumpy the road.
In the grand symphony of life, the conductor may throw you an unexpected key change, but you're the one who decides whether it's a discord or a beautiful harmony. So, the next time life tosses you a curveball, remember, it may not always be fair, but you have the power to turn it into a magnificent, life-altering experience.
So, whenever you are faced with those moments, ask yourself these three questions:
What am I feeling right now? Reply: I am feeling: {insert what you are feeling}. Example: angry, saddened, overwhelmed, anxious, etc.
This situation is what it is right now; how can I make the best out of it?
What am I learning from this? Or, how am I growing from this?
Artist Credit: Tori Press
Now, go out there, embrace your emotions, shift your beliefs, adopt the right mindset, and make the choices that light up your path. You've got this, and I believe in you!